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Sports Solutions

Don't be happy with where you are today. We'll help you or your organisation reach its full potential.
Club Structure Strategies


Success at any level comes down to developing a repeatable structure that is simple and effective. We assist in developing structures for clubs and organisations that is tailored to their needs and size. It covers off such areas as


  • Coaching structures and education.

  • Player pathway development.

  • Cashflow development.

  • Succession planning for management.

  • Marketing and community involvement.


Contact us today to help your club grow.


Pathway Development


Does your club or organisation face challenges keeping or developing youth talent?


In many organisations junior numbers start strong but lower as the age groups develop. Many times this is due to poor pathway development programs that do not "capture" these players. We offer simple and repeatable solutions to clubs and organisations that face these challenges.


Player Management


Our skills coaching focuses on making small stepped improvements to our players. This method enables the player to master and implement those skills quicker.

We offer coaching programs for all levels of players from beginners to seasoned cricketers. K.I.S.S. Systems also offer player management and mentoring advice to ensure that our players get the most out of their abilities both on and off the field.

Katrina Teske, Owner, Toowoomba Indoor Sports

"We are excited to be working closely with Perko and the K.I.S.S. Systems team. Their ideas and processes for our junior cricketing program is going to bring a structure and professionalism to our centre that will allow coaches and players to achieve their best."

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