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Simple Solutions. Superior Results.


Sports Solutions


We work with individuals, clubs, and organisations to identify areas of improvement. K.I.S.S. Systems offers coaching, mentoring, or pathway devevelopment solutions for all situations and skill levels.

Agricultural Solutions


K.I.S.S. Systems can help you devise solutions for

  • Soil and Plant Nutrition

  • Research

  • Silage Management

  • Crop Agronomy

Clients & Partners


We have worked with a variety of clients ranging from individuals, clubs, to large corporate businesses. K.I.S.S. Systems also is teamed with some great organisations that help us get the most out of our clients.

"Since coming on board, Perko has helped us understand our soils and crop nutrition, allowing us to better manage our costs and inputs. Our crops and soils have never looked this good."

Discover the K.I.S.S. Way

Our goal at K.I.S.S. is to provide effective, simple solutions designed to boost your business. The name really explains our culture Keep It Simple Stupid.

Our consultants design solutions tailored for both the sporting and agricultural fields. Size is not any issue. Whether you are an individual or corporate, we can help.

Contact us today. We would love to meet you.

Pat Lyon, Parklyon Hay Supplies, Nobby

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